
Inkling Versus

Bowser Jr.

Up Throw > Up Air (Boo-Yah)


123% - 158%

+0 -3 -5 -6
0% +0 123 120 118 117
50% -3 120 117 115 114
-4 119 116 114 113
100% -12 111 108 106 105
-15 108 105 103 102
150% -22 101 98 96 95
-25 98 95 93 92


162 - 165

There’s a specific spot to aim for on the character for Boo-Yah to work. Can be underneath, to the left or right. For more details look for the character in the boo-yah google doc or check this Tweet Video.

During a Boo-Yah, there are some special conditions to take into account for certain characters. It can make it harder or easier for Inkling depending on what it is.

For more details visit the boo-yah google doc

Prefer (Foward Smash) After Roller

First hit of Up Smash WILL NOT unbury enemy, use Forward Smash or wait until bury is almost over

Down Smash WILL HIT on Ledge

Down Smash HITS when enemy stalls ledge

Rising Short Hop Forward Air

HITS when enemy is standing (Can't Be Point Blank)

MISSES when enemy is dashing

Move Interactions

Down special (Mechakoopa)

thrown mid to close range
  • can Dash Under
  • BEATS Splat Bomb

Splattershot (Explode) Effect— Object explodes on contact

Neutral special (Clown Cannon)

a.k.a, cannon ball
  • cannot Dash Under
  • BEATS Splat Bomb

Aerial Tech Chase

Tech-chasing is following or predicting an opponent's tech or floor recovery in order to attack them before they can respond. Because a character's tech animations have small windows of vulnerability before ending and allowing action, it is possible to read (or, sometimes, react to) the direction of a player's tech and punish them.

Tested with Stale Moves on, no DI, short hops, any stage, no ink, and opponent facing Inkling.

When you hit a character that puts them into 100% or more, there is a 30% chance for them to go into a spinning animation. This lets them escape a few percents earlier.

Tables below display the min - max percentages, as well as the difference between the two below them.

Neutral aerial

0% 50% 100% 150%
Any 50 - 91 48 - 91 42 - 83 36 - 73
41% 43% 41% 37%

Back aerial

0% 50% 100% 150%
Sour 70 - 106 69 - 104 63 - 99 58 - 91
36% 35% 36% 33%
Sweet 53 - 83 51 - 81 47 - 74 43 - 69
30% 30% 27% 26%

Forward aerial

0% 50% 100% 150%
Sour Late 69 - 113 66 - 113 60 - 104 53 - 96
44% 47% 44% 43%
Sour Early 36 - 65 35 - 63 30 - 59 26 - 52
29% 28% 29% 26%
Sweet 28 - 52 26 - 52 23 - 47 19 - 41
24% 26% 24% 22%